
The Licode server-side API provides your server communication with Nuve.

Nuve is a Licode module that manages some resources like the videoconference rooms or the tokens to access to a determined room. Server-side API is available in node.js.

Class Description
Room Represents a videoconference room.
Token The key to add a new participant to a videoconference room.
User A user that can publish or subscribe to streams in a videoconference room.


Once you compile the API, you need to require it in your node.js server and initialize it with a Service. Call the constructor with the Service Id and the Service Key created in the data base.

var N = require('./nuve');
N.API.init(serviceId, serviceKey, nuve_host);

With a Service you can create videoconference rooms for your videoconference application and get the neccesary tokens for add participants to them. Also you can ask Nuve about the users connected to a room.

You can also compile Nuve API for python.


A Room object represent a videoconference room. In a room participate users that can interchange their streams. Each participant can publish his stream and/or subscribe to the other streams published in the room.

A Room object has the following properties:

In your service you can create a room, get a list of rooms that you have created, get the info about a determined room or delete a room when you don't need it.

In all functions you can include an optional error callback ir order to catch possible problems with nuve server.

Create Room

To create a room you need to specify a name and a callback function. When the room is created Nuve calls this function and returns you the roomId:

var roomName = 'myFirstRoom';

N.API.createRoom(roomName, function(room) {
  console.log('Room created with id: ', room._id);
}, errorCallback);

You can create peer - to - peer rooms in which users will communicate directly between their browsers using server side only for signalling.

var roomName = 'myP2PRoom';

N.API.createRoom(roomName, function(room) {
  console.log('P2P room created with id: ', room._id);
}, errorCallback, {p2p: true});

You can include metadata when creating the room. This metadata will be stored in Room.data field of the room.

var roomName = 'myRoomWithMetadata';

N.API.createRoom(roomName, function(room) {
  console.log('Room created with id: ', room._id);
}, errorCallback, {data: {room_color: 'red', room_description: 'Room for testing metadata'}});

You can also specify which media configuration you want to use in the Room.

N.API.createRoom(roomName, function(room) {
  console.log('Room created with id: ', room._id);
}, errorCallback, {mediaConfiguration: 'VP8_AND_OPUS'});

Get Rooms

You can ask Nuve for a list of the rooms in your service:

N.API.getRooms(function(roomList) {
  var rooms = JSON.parse(roomList);
  for(var i in rooms) {
    console.log('Room ', i, ':', rooms[i].name);
}, errorCallback);

Get Room

Also you can get the info about a determined room with its roomId:

var roomId = '30121g51113e74fff3115502';

N.API.getRoom(roomId, function(resp) {
  var room= JSON.parse(resp);
  console.log('Room name: ', room.name);
}, errorCallback);

Delete Room

And finally, to delete a determined room:

var roomId = '30121g51113e74fff3115502';

N.API.deleteRoom(roomId, function(result) {
  console.log('Result: ', result);
}, errorCallback);


A Token is a string that allows you to add a new participant to a determined room.

When you want to add a new participant to a room, you need to create a new token than you will consume in the client-side API. To create a token you need to specify a name and a role for the new participant.

Create Token

var roomId = '30121g51113e74fff3115502';
var name = 'userName';
var role = '';

N.API.createToken(roomId, name, role, function(token) {
  console.log('Token created: ', token);
}, errorCallback);


A User object represents a participant in a videoconference room.

A User object has the following properties:

You can ask Nuve for a list of the users connected to a determined room.

Get Users

var roomId = '30121g51113e74fff3115502';

N.API.getUsers(roomId, function(users) {
  var usersList = JSON.parse(users);
  console.log('This room has ', usersList.length, 'users');

  for(var i in usersList) {
    console.log('User ', i, ':', usersList[i].name, 'with role: ', usersList[i].role);
}, errorCallback);


With a deep intro into the contents out of the way, we can focus putting Server API to use. To do that, we'll utilize a basic example that includes everything we mentioned in the previous section.

Now, here's a look at a typical server application implemented in Node.js:

We first initialize Nuve (Server API)

var N = require('nuve');
N.API.init("531b26113e74ee30500001", "myKey", "http://localhost:3000/");

We also include express support for our server. We prepare it to publish static HTML files in which we will have JavaScript client applications that we will explain later.

var express = require('express');
var app = express.createServer();

app.configure(function () {
    app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public'));

Requests to /createRoom/ URL will create a new Room in Licode.

app.post('/createRoom/', function(req, res){

    N.API.createRoom('myRoom', function(roomID) {
    }, function (e) {
        console.log('Error: ', e);

Requests to /getRooms/ URL will retrieve a list of our Rooms in Licode.

app.get('/getRooms/', function(req, res){

    N.API.getRooms(function(rooms) {
    }, function (e) {
        console.log('Error: ', e);

Requests to /getUsers/roomID URL will retrieve a list of users that are connected to room roomID.

app.get('/getUsers/:room', function(req, res){

    var room = req.params.room;
    N.API.getUsers(room, function(users) {
    }, function (e) {
        console.log('Error: ', e);

Requests to /createToken/roomID URL will create an access token for including a participant in room roomID.

app.post('/createToken/:room', function(req, res){

    var room = req.params.room;
    var username = req.body.username;
    var role = req.body.role;
    N.API.createToken(room, username, role, function(token) {
    }, function (e) {
        console.log('Error: ', e);

Finally, we will start our service, that will listen to port 80 (line 19).

app.listen (80);

Add handlers to the mediaStream

Handlers allow the user to modify the media stream inside erizo and can be used to transcode, drop packages, filter audio... If you do not have any handler installed or you want to create your own handler, read developing custom handlers in the client documentation. Once you have developed and installed your handler you will be able to use them in erizo. Handlers are grouped into profiles, which are a set of handler that are inserted in the given order. In the licode.config file you are able to create profiles with the added handlers, configuring the config.erizo.handlerProfiles file. HandlerProfiles are stored inside and array so to create a new profile add a new row to the config file with the following syntax:

config.erizo.handlerProfiles[profileNumber] = [{"name":"name",param1:"value1","param2":"value2",...},{"name":"name2"},...}

Each handler accepts different parameters specified in each handler documentation. Profile 0 is the default one and is used if no profile is specified when subscribing or publishing a new stream, so leave this profile empty, [], if you don't want to add any handler by default. After creating a profile it will be available in the API and you can select it when subscribing or publishing with the handlerProfile parameter.

room.publish(localStream, handlerProfile: 'profileNumber');

As an example, a logger handler has been included which logs all packets received and send by erizo and added to the profile 1. To use it, just publish or subscribe using profileNumber = 1.